
I learned tarot over a decade ago from my mother. I keep my spreads very simple and limit them to 1 or 3 cards, with clarifying cards added as needed. If you would like to have me do tarot for your venue or event, feel free to message me about that and we can discuss it further!

My Prices
1 Card: 100k gil
3 Cards: 300k gil

About Me

Name: Valentine Manteconcha
Race: Rava Viera
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Height: 5'1
Orientation: Demisexual
Job: Astrologian, Tarot Reader, Former White Mage
Fun Facts:
Valentine loves to bake and teach herself new crafts.
Her natural hair color is a light pink.She keeps chocolate on her at all times in a secret location.She hates the color yellow.She's an accidental time traveler and possesses increased strength that seems to only manifest in broken bar counters and the occasional broken stray hand.


[To be edited as more Tural information comes out]Birthplace
Tora was born in Tural, in a secluded village hidden deep in the jungle. She had many brothers and sisters, but she was the closest to her twin brother, Tor. They were born during a terrible thunderstorm, and were named after that thunder due to their eyes resembling the dark clouds above. As kits they were raised with care, learning the basics of defensive fighting and survival when they weren’t playing with others their age. Tora’s personality was bright and playful, with all the fierceness of her sisters. She enjoyed watching their mother work as a midwife and healer for those that needed aid. She never thought much about her father, after all the twins had only met their father twice during their time in the village.
The Fire
Due to the nature of Tural, the twins’ village wasn’t without its hardship. Before the pair had even started to display the characteristics of their gender, tragedy struck. Invaders had broken through the defenses of the men guarding the village, and fighting had broken out. During the violence Tora and Tor’s elder sisters urged the pair to run and hide, but a fire had broken out, forcing them apart to run their separate ways. Tora ran through the jungle alone and lost, seeking refuge in a hollow tree. She suffered from burns and hurt feet because she’d escaped barefoot. She dared not make a sound and prayed that her family was safe before exhaustion took her for the night. When she awoke, she was being carried by a stranger with odd looking clothing and bags.
What Tora doesn't remember, is that a strange old man picked her up. But her fear had been so strong, she doesn't remember the fight she put up, or the time machine she damaged. For a brief moment she'd been reunited with her brother, and lost him again many years into the future, to a time when Tural had been unified.Luck had been in her favor, she’d been found by a Sharlayan gleaner and given basic medical treatment. However her young mind was lost and scared, rendering her mute and unable to give basic information. The gleaner was at a loss at what to do, since he did not know where she lived or if she could even go back because of how badly the fire had spread. Instead he took her to Gridania, surrendering her to the Conjuror’s Guild for further treatment.Gridania
In Gridania Tora was given a new name by the gleaner and the Elder Seedseer of the time. Because of her light pink hair and it being Valentione’s Day on her arrival to Gridania, she was gifted the name Valentine. Tora remembered enough of her culture to know she’d given up her old name, but did not talk for many months. It had been a struggle for the young kit to learn a new language, and she proved to be a trouble maker. Valentine had a penchant for trying to play with dangerous fireworks. She often skipped out on important lessons to go play in the shroud, only to be brought back by angry guards that had caught her running from creatures much bigger than her. Eventually, as she grew older and more mature, Valentine took to the healing lessons. She displayed a great affinity for healing, even if she struggled to understand the rules the conjuror’s placed on her. She never thought of returning to Tural, the name had long been lost to her. She did however remember the name of her brother, Tor, and knew that the name of their homeland was something similar.
The White Mage Life
Once Valentine was old enough and strong enough to be sent out on missions, the Conjuror’s Guild sent her out as a White Mage. She’d proven herself worthy of being allowed out unattended. The wild child had been tamed to some extent, tempered by the hardship of her training and the local jobs she’d been sent out on. Instead of her pink hair, she’d remembered how her sisters and brothers dyed their hair to make it easier to blend into the trees. She followed in that path, feeling a little closer to home as a result. She did this to prep herself for her newest assignment. As a young adult, she was nervous and excited to prove herself worthy of the Seedseer’s trust, but that was quick to be snuffed out.
The young mage had been sent out to the battlefields, tending to the wounded that fought against the Garleans. Her playful nature served no purpose here, but she did try to keep the wounded happy, prioritizing their mental health just as much as their physical. She spent many years like this, going from battle to battle, sometimes having to participate just to retrieve someone that had barely made it back. The Viera had quickly realized she hated just healing all the time, she hated seeing the soldiers lose hope, and she hated not being able to do more.It wasn’t all gloom for her though. She learned more about combat from the soldiers as they healed. She’d found it useful for physical therapy for those that couldn’t sit still. Her wards didn’t hesitate to teach her hand to hand combat, knowing it was a matter of life and death if she wasn’t able to cast fast enough. They were however, surprised at how naturally she took to it and just how much her hits could hurt. Even more so when they let her wield a weapon. But Valentine still favored her peaceful methods, only employing the violent ones when her temper and patience were tested. However eventually her time on the battlefields came to an end, she’d grown tired and exhausted, and was brought back to Gridania when the other conjuror’s had noticed that her letters came less frequent, and much less hopeful.When she’d arrived back in Gridania, the conjuror’s noticed that she was much more jumpy. Valentine wasn’t her normal relaxed self and was much more anxious. She only seemed happy when she was sent out on minor errands, where she could wander the Shroud as she pleased. After a year of being back in her second home, she decided to retire as a White Mage. She had developed an interest in astromancy, finding peace in what the cards told her."Retirement"
Valentine never stopped taking freelance jobs while she studied astromancy. Her earlier memories of hating studying still plagued her, but she enjoyed the challenge. Instead of battlefields she now roamed Eorzea, mostly doing escort jobs for petty nobles that sought her out only for the status of being able to hire a healer. Valentine preferred the jobs she opted to do for free. But the nobles paid her handsomely, and it allowed her to open her own tarot shop. She still traveled a lot, but always returned to Gridania to rest, keeping her shop open for all who wandered in.
"Reunited at Last"
Valentine eventually found her brother again, and the strange time traveling man that she begrudgingly acknowledges as her adopted father because of his relationship to her twin brother. This relationship has manifested in many instances of broken magitek and weird labs, and somehow super strength for Valentine???

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